Saturday 28 April 2012

Never Try for an Illegal Entry, Instead Seek Assistance from the Best Immigration Lawyers Firm in NYC

Those entering the United States of America on a fake passport by stealing someone’s identity, convicting a serious crime with the help of a “coyote” are termed as illegal immigrant. An individual is no longer eligible for a green card and may be deprived of various immigration benefits if caught on an illegal entry. Those caught on an illegal entry should consult the best immigration lawyers for guidance. In the section below, one of the best immigration lawyers firms of New York provides insight on the subject of illegal entry. What does one understand by illegal entry? The sections 1325 or section 275 of the Immigration and Nationality Act provides the rules and regulations concerning illegal immigrants. According to the immigration authorizes of the United States, anyone who has entered the United States in violations of the conditions required by the law is termed as an illegal immigrant. The term ‘illegal entry’ can signify more than merely slipping across the border. It may imply entering the United States from any place that excludes those designated by the immigration officers. Any false information in the papers filed for gang entry or an evasion of the inspection by US immigration officers also termed as an illegal entry. What may happen if a person is caught making an improper entry?

The immigration law uses the term improper entry for any illegal entry in to the United States. The individual can be fined and may even face a prison term of up to six months, in some cases it can be both. If the same individual is caught subsequently, the prison sentence may go up to two years. There also have been laws devised to stop a reentry by illegal immigrants. There are various types of crimes too that makes an individual an illegal criminal in the eyes of the law. These may include those who have been removed on misdemeanor charges on drugs and crimes. Those with felony charges also have a risk of being imprisoned up to twenty years if they are caught reentering the United States. Those imprisoned can also be deported back to their home countries. Civil penalties for illegal immigration may range from $50 to $250 and in cases where an individual is caught a subsequent time, the amount of the civil penalty is just doubled.


  1. Thank you for sharing. Immigration law is constantly changing. The best immigration lawyer is one who keeps up with this evolving field of law and knows how best to use the law to protect you when it come to legal proceedings.

    Denied Entry to USA

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